This is what happens when I give my children watermelon...(also known as vatermelo to the Koenigs). Yep, it's tasty good, but the fun doesn't stop there! This creature was named, "Better Than Trogdor". Some of you may know the reference, and that is all I have to say about that.
This week school is finally in full swing, and each of my kids have said things that have made me have to "Post it-or Lose it"
My son, getting ready for his first day got up at 5am (no kidding!), took a shower, made us both lunch, and then spent another hour honing "THE LOOK". While preening, I reached over to fix his collar, and he says, "Hey- don't _uck up the get up!" A laughing fit ensued. Later that day, while looking at where his hair was parted, he said, "What do you think about this part? Too Ronald Reaganish?" Yet another fit of laughter!
Now for my daughter. She was doing a bit of Family Tree homework , and after finishing the first page (which consisted of her own sibling, parents, and grandparents) she turned to the second page which was now asking for FULL names and date of birth for Aunts & Uncles. (SIGH) It was then she realized what that would mean for her and her hand(which was already going into writer's spasms)!
"You have too many siblings, mom! You're family is driving me CRAZY!"
My reply? , "Oh they're good at that! Just look at me!".
Insightfully funny, that child!
She finally finished writing all the information down on my 7 siblings, and hopes never again to have to think about it! (me, too!) HAR!