This is a photo of yet another unfinished project we have sitting on the property. I refer to it as the Manhouse. To be fair, this picture was taken some months ago, and there is now a wall across the front. My son loves this picture and refers to it as "the lifesize Diarama. Complete with life-like (emphasis on LIKE) person".
I started calling it the Manhouse, much to the chagrin of my husband. When we went to visit his family at X-mas there was much talk about the Manhouse and I even had them referring to it as such! But the coup came when my husband gave in and said, "I am putting a small woodstove in the Manhouse"! Up until that point he tried to call it a shed. HAR (as in, har-d- har, har)!!!
I see the Manhouse as an escape. A little house of his own, for my husband. Originally he said it was his tool shed, but with the addition of the hopeless slack-ass chair (one step up from the Lazy Boy), the woodstove, insulation, and cold beer, he's built himself a true 4 season Manhouse!
Now if I could just get him to find a way for it to bring in some cash, you know, rent it out as a retreat. It works for him!
So, contact him. Rents are reasonable. There's even a skylight.
Book early and often! Welcome to the Manhouse!