10 June, 2008

The Boy's 1st Bike

My son's first bike was a Razorback (pretty small - or the kid's pretty big?)that his paternal "Mum/Nanny/Nan/Anne" (grandmother) bought for him for his 3rd birthday, at the end of July. Came complete with training wheels, and by the end of that summer (Early September) this kid refused to ride that bike unless we removed the training wheels. My first child, what do I know? I tried to talk him out of it, saying that he should have more practice, but he steadfastly refused. Hesitantly, we took those wheels off and much to our surprise that boy took off on that bike like he'd been riding for years (he'd only been alive for 3)! I'll never forget my amazement at this new three year old, to just take off on a two-wheeler! He knew it was time.
Enter that same kid, almost 12 years later. Now it's a motorcycle. Doesn't care if he gets his driving permit for a car, and he's done his homework. He can get a motorcycle permit when he's 15 (end of July), he doesn't have to have a licensed driver with him (can't, it's a motorcycle!), the gas and insurance are much less than for a car, and he can go anywhere! You know, places a car can't get to! Oh, there's more-he's thought of everything! Now, it's up to me to remember that 1st bike, his resolve and readiness, and to let go and trust.
So, I told him, "If Paternal Grandmother (whatever her name is, today and that all depends on who's talking to her and how old you are!) buys you a motorcycle, I'll let you go! And, she'll have to pay insurance, too!"
Good luck with that!
In the meantime, watch the flick...