Things were going along at a great pace, when it was time to go aground for the picnic lunch.
I don't know if it was hunger induced, or what, but as soon as we tied up and carried the stuff to shore, one of my son's friends harpooned him!
I had the camera in hand and quickly snapped off this shot right after the offense! It was brutal. Completely unprovoked! And worst of all - who would drive this creep home, now? He had speared the captain of the vessel!
Ok, that's not at all what this picture is about, but you can see the possibilities,eh?
My (floating) son? Goggles on, and checking out the bottom of the boat. His friend? Checking out the mooring hook.
No, things aren't always as they appear. Even photographs can be misleading.
Remember, people...boating, like life, can be dangerous!
Neither is REALLY a Day at the Beach!