So, I go outside my son's school the other day, and MUCH to my su
rprise (shock & horror!), I walked right upon this scene! Now, talk about The Murder Hour! WOE! Very strange, indeed! For as long as I have lived here, in the Northeast, it's been a joke of my family's to ask one another during hunting season (which is upon us), "Didjah getchah deah?", in our best New England speak. Hunters, and there's no shortage, will seriously ask one another if they "got their deer". Well, someone did. And it's a trophy worth putting in the trunk and driving around town with, eh? I don't get it. I also don't get hanging them up in trees in front of your house to let them
drain, couldn't this be done in the privacy of your barn or other
Why in the
dooryard? I suppose it's the same reason one would trunk it, and drive it far and wide! "See! I got my deah!" Face it, it's gross! And with VERY few exceptions, WE don't want to see the bloody carcasses displayed in the trunks of cars, hanging in the trees, or lying about willynilly on a parking lot! Stop it.
Enough said?