I won two tickets to see Marshall Crenshaw at the Boothbay Harbor Opera House last Thursday! Sweet! It was!I took my 16 year old son, or I should say he took me (he drove the hour and a half in a bit of a snowstorm - "Good practice", he kept telling me).
We got to Boothbay and saw a great concert! There were maybe 60 people there, total, and got to sit very near the stage. What a good time.
This was my son's first concert, and when everyone stood up to clap for an encore, he looked at me like everyone was crazy, just standing there clapping in the dark. Had to fill him in on the protocol. There was an encore and we had a great time!
When we walked outside it had turned into a full-fledged, blinding snowstorm and my son insisted he drive home (the hour and a half!).
I haven't been so scared in such a long time! BUT... he made it, and he did a good job!
He has his driving portion of the driver's exam on the 8th of February. I say he's READY!