Dog eat dog! My kids are at each other's throats constantly, and summer gives them more time to plot against each other, and me! If it's not one thing, it's their mother!
Now, I won't play the martyr card here(even though I was taught by the best) but how much can one take? Really.
"What's for dinner?" "What's for lunch?" "I'm hungry!" "I'm not eating THAT! I hate THAT!"
"Who ate my cereal?" (from a community box in the pantry) and the one that happened years ago, that made me pull the car over in a hysterical laughing fit, "SHE'S LOOKING AT MY DRINK!!!!"
No, it's not all about food, but I do find myself way too often having to stop whatever it is I am doing to feed some child (my own, or others')some husband (ok, just mine) or some animal (you know, the FAMILY pet!).
The dog in the kitchen? Couldn't find a pic with a stick of furniture sweating over the hot stove.
It works.
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