This is a photo of yet another unfinished project we have sitting on the property. I refer to it as the Manhouse. To be fair, this picture was taken some months ago, and there is now a wall across the front. My son loves this picture and refers to it as "the lifesize Diarama. Complete with life-like (emphasis on LIKE) person".
I started calling it the Manhouse, much to the chagrin of my husband. When we went to visit his family at X-mas there was much talk about the Manhouse and I even had them referring to it as such! But the coup came when my husband gave in and said, "I am putting a small woodstove in the Manhouse"! Up until that point he tried to call it a shed. HAR (as in, har-d- har, har)!!!
I see the Manhouse as an escape. A little house of his own, for my husband. Originally he said it was his tool shed, but with the addition of the hopeless slack-ass chair (one step up from the Lazy Boy), the woodstove, insulation, and cold beer, he's built himself a true 4 season Manhouse!
Now if I could just get him to find a way for it to bring in some cash, you know, rent it out as a retreat. It works for him!
So, contact him. Rents are reasonable. There's even a skylight.
Book early and often! Welcome to the Manhouse!
1 comment:
Hello, I am actually a friend of Elliot's, using his blogger password to comment on this particular subject. Your Manhouse intrigues me to no end, and, if I might be allowed to speculate on the matter, perhaps we could come to a mutual arrangement that would benefit not just myself and your humble organization "Down East" (as they say), but also potential millions of active citizens. You see, I am currently employed by KWMU, a radio station in St. Louis based at the University of Missouri, St. Louis (or, as some still blasphemously call it, "UMSL"), and affiliated nationally with National Public Radio (NPR). We get much of our funding from our three yearly on-air pledge drives, which, you may be interested to know, we revamped last year from lasting an entire day of programming to being spaced out four hours a day over a period of one week for each, for that way, we catch more sporadic listeners and it has been an economic boon for us. However, with this week, our first drive of 2007, our numbers are not yet approaching our target, and this distresses your nephew (and my good friend) Elliot. Currently, we are offering a Valentine's Day themed pledge drive (we've called it "For the Love of KWMU"), and at the $200 level, you get a complimentary two-night stay for two at one of the St. Louis area's many wonderful Bed and Breakfast establishments (and for an extra $50, a free dinner at a fine dining establishment of your choice near the Bed and Breakfast you choose!). We thought this would be a wonderful way to bring in money, but unfortunately, it has not done so. Preliminary test-market research has yeilded to us the following reasons: Women are not pledging at this level because they want their husbands/boyfriends to surprise them. Men are not pledging at this level because they're clueless idiots and won't realize Valentine's Day is coming until it's already too late to get anything more than clearance Halloween candy at the dollar store. So, the question is, how do we combat this phenomenon and make up for our losses for our summer pledge drive?
I would propose to you that I be allowed to visit your Manhouse, perhaps stay a week and see the town, and sample your cullinary offerings (from your kitchen, and also from your area...people don't eat all of their meals at the Bed and Breakfast, do they?). If I could also take a few snapshots of the Manhouse, perhaps any nearby scenery (mountains, lakes, lobsters, famous people's houses, that fabled dog you turn left at to get to Yarmouth), I think I could put together a proposal to the station's board of directors and, if you are willing to donate, offer a weekend stay at The Manhouse for any man (or woman) donating at, oh say, the $300 level. All we would need is a schedule of Manhouse events for the year to send to those who's contributions qualify, and they can choose the weekend of their liking (provided, of course, that the Manhouse is available and not solidly booked).
Please respond promptly, as we begin the planning stages for our next drive as soon as we've tallied the take for this current drive. Don't forget...listening to A Prairie Home Companion on the radios at work is the only way your nephew makes it through his Saturday closing shifts! Your participation in this matter, I am sure, would secure us enough money to run the station indefinitely! Thank you, and Sincerely,
Bob McCabe.
P.S. - The best way to reply would be to leave a ridiculously long-winded comment on Elliot's blog, and make sure that it says something at the close such as...
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