It's a blizzard, again! Last week we had the "January Thaw", which happens here on the coast every year. The temperatures climb to balmy above freezing marks (which were in the mid to high 40's last week, diminishing our 3 ft of snow to about 6 inches in some places!) and the SUMP PUMP in the basement runs day and night trying to keep up with the thawing of the ground and the water it was producing.
Not any more! We're right back to winter and another SNOW DAY!! I hope the kids like going to school in July, because at this rate, that's where we'll be! I stepped outside at about 3pm to take these shots before the sun went down-HA! It never came out today- and the blizzard rages on. This is to continue through the night, and snow showers through the day tomorrow. Whatever that means... I have the feeling it means, "good luck shoveling your van out, as well as driving in this mess"!
Damn, I'm cold (and so is the weather)!
Well, at least it's pretty. :)
if it's any consolation, it's cold here and we're expecting possibly an inch of snow by thursday morning. b.
update...we didn't get the 1/2 inch that was predicted! now they're saying we'll get 1/4 inch this coming monday...whoa is me! better go to the grocery store and stock up on bread and milk! b.
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