20 February, 2008

Winter is Tough!

Yes, winter is tough indeed! Where else can one find so much fun indoors?
(Note the 2 to the right craning necks to get in the picture)
Winter started very early this year, we had snow well before X-mas, and we can get snow, and frequently do, into April/May.
Many a Mother's Day with as-of-yet melted snow piles! HELP ME!!!!!!!!
(...and isn't that Marty & Bridget to the left?) I'm freakin'!!!!!!!!


bridget said...

he deserves more than a hot juicy burger...you all do for putting up with all that snow. i can't believe marty and i came up there at this time of year. you're freakin' cause you're a freak! b.

McGrath said...

Too funny! We are in the midst of an ice storm if that makes you feel even a tiny bit better. Okay, maybe not.

mGk said...

At least you have Wendy's. We have commercials, but no Wendy's. They taunt us with their juicy burgers and chocolaty frostiest. oh the horror... ok still not as bad as your snow...

Molly said...

I got no pity for you. We got an ice storm, another one on the way, and no hope for the burger we deserve. AND you got a chocolate fountain. I got no chocolate fountain. I do have a fire in my fireplace.... but the cat is hogging it. Damn Sammy Davis Jr., Jr.