This picture is priceless. Jim and Aedan checking out an "aht" installation in Belfast harbor, this fall. Neither one seems too impressed. Seems to be what passes for aht in Maine!
Winter is here; about two feet of it sits outside the door. How I was lulled all those years, when we wouldn't even get the first snow until after Xmas. How tired of the cold and snow I am already! Check out the door's handle! The kids LOVE it! As "A" said to me when he was 3, after I put his plate of dinner in front of him at home, "This isn't what I ordered!" I feel much the same way!
My youngest insists that we have no photos of me. Because I am the one who takes all of the pictures, I'm rarely seen. I told her that I was a vampire and that I wouldn't show up on film. She reminded me that digital photography doesn't use film, so we were all set! She took this photo of me, and she did a good job of it,too. Maybe we have another photographer in the family! GREAT! Why don't we ever get the random dentist or a comedian? You know, something useful?
X-mas by the Sea 2008! The Bonfire & carols, Santa & Elf arrive by fire engine, getting a fuzzy picture taken in front of the tree with your friend! ...And the snow! 'Tis the season, eh? (I'm dreaming of a warm Christmas!)