Finally, and with MUCH ado, my son doth graduate!
Someone asked if he was ready to go to High School; his reply," I'm ready to have a summer!"
He is very insightful!
Now, if I could just get him out of bed in the a.m. I'm sure he'd have a great summer.
Here's to you, A !
teenagers don't get out of bed in the a.m. why it's almost one in the afternoon as i write this and my teenager is still in bed!
Babies are born with their nights and days mixed up. Eventually (or so I have been told) their systems regulate to normal sleeping patterns.
My theory is that as we age from babies, to children and then to teenagers these sleeping patterns revert. Then in the adult to middle age years, when one is forced to work the obligatory 9 to 5 those patterns become "normal" once again.
Finally, when you are as old as Ma, revert once more and nap in the middle of the day.
Such is life huh. Happy Sleeping A!
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